Professor at the University of Buenos Aires
Researcher of the CONICET
Head of the Laboratorio de Fluidodinamica-Departrment Mechanical Engineering-University of Buenos Aires
P. M GARCIA EIJO, J. D’ADAMO, A. BIANCHETTI, TH. DURIEZ, J. M CABALEIRO, C. IRRAZABAL, P. OTERO, G. ARTANA Exhalatory dynamic interactions between patients connected to a shared ventilation device, Plos One, e0250672,16(5), 2021.
G CHARO, G ARTANA, D SCIAMARELLA, Topological colouring of fluid particles unravels finite-time coherent sets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 923, (2021)
F TUERKE, F LUSSEYRAN, D SCIAMARELLA, L PASTUR, G ARTANA, Nonlinear delayed feedback model for incompressible open cavity flow, Physical Review Fluids 5 (2), 024401, (2020).
GD CHARÓ, G ARTANA, D SCIAMARELLA, Topology of dynamical reconstructions from Lagrangian data, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 405, 132371, (2020)
F. CASTRO HEBRERO, J. D´ADAMO; R. SOSA; G. ARTANA, Vortex induced vibrations suppression for a cylinder with plasma actuators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468, 3, 115121, (2020).