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Journal Publications Last 5 Years
  1. F TUERKE, F LUSSEYRAN, D SCIAMARELLA, L PASTUR, G ARTANA, Nonlinear delayed feedback model for incompressible open cavity flow, Physical Review Fluids 5 (2), 024401, (2020).

  2. GD CHARÓ, G ARTANA, D SCIAMARELLA, Topology of dynamical reconstructions from Lagrangian data, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 405, 132371, (2020)

  3. F. CASTRO HEBRERO, J. D´ADAMO; R. SOSA; G. ARTANA, Vortex induced vibrations suppression for a cylinder with plasma actuators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468, 3, 115121, (2020).

  4. D ALVISO, G. ARTANA, TH. DURIEZ, Prediction of biodiesel physico-chemical properties from its fatty acid composition using genetic programming, Fuel, 264, 3, 116844, (2020).

  5. G. CHARÓ, D. SCIAMARELLA, S. MANGIAROTTI, G. ARTANA, CH. LETELLIER, Observability of laminar bidimensional fluid flows seen as autonomous chaotic systems, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29, 123126 (2019)

  6. J.M CABALEIRO, TH PAILLAT, G. ARTANA, G TOUCHARD, Flow electrification in turbulent flows of liquids - Comparison of two models for one specific case, IEEE Trans on Ind Appl, 55(5), 5235– 5238, (2019).

  7. D ALVISO, C ZÁRATE, F KRAUCH, G ARTANA, JC ROLÓN, Light refraction effects in counterflow non-premixed flames, Fuel 236, 1423-1431, (2019).

  8. S BOURY, B THIRIA; R GODOY DIANA, G ARTANA, JE WESFREID, J D’ADAMO, Forced wakes far from threshold: Stuart Landau equation applied to experimental data, Phys Rev Fluids, 3 091901, (2018).

  9. JM CABALEIRO, T PAILLAT, G ARTANA, G TOUCHARD, Flow electrification of liquids in rectangular channels-Comparison of different theoretical models, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53(6), 5831 – 5837, (2017)

  10. F TUERKE, LR PASTUR, D SCIAMARELLA, F LUSSEYRAN, G ARTANA, Experimental study of double-cavity flow, Experiments in Fluids 7 (58), 1-15, (2017)

  11. J D'ADAMO, L LEONARDO, F CASTRO, R SOSA, T DURIEZ, G ARTANA, Circular cylinder drag reduction by three-electrode plasma symmetric forcing, Journal of Fluids Engineering 139 (6), 061202, (2017)

  12. MI AULIEL, FC HEBRERO, R SOSA, G ARTANA, Schlieren technique in soap film flows, Experiments in Fluids 5 (58), 1-14, (2017)

 13. F. TUERKE, L. PASTUR, Y. FRAIGNEAU, D. SCIAMARELLA, F. LUSSEYRAN, G. ARTANA, Nonlinear dynamics and hydrodynamic         feedback in two-dimensional double cavity flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813,1-22,(2017)

 14. P AUDIER, D. SCIAMMARELLA, G ARTANA, Pre-switching bifurcation of a slender jet, Physics of Fluids, 28, 017103 (2016)

 15. A. GRONSKIS, G. ARTANA, A simple and efficient direct forcing immersed boundary method combined with a high order compact           scheme for simulating flows with moving rigid boundaries, Computers & Fluids, 124, 2, 86–104, (2016).

 16. M.I. AULIEL, F. CASTRO HEBRERO, R. SOSA, G. ARTANA, Gravity driven soap film dynamics in subcritical regimes, Physical                 Review E, 92 (4),0043009, (2015).

 17. F. TUERKE, D. SCIAMARELLA, L. R. PASTUR, F. LUSSEYRAN, G. ARTANA, Frequency- selection mechanism in incompressible          open-cavity flows via reflected instability waves, Physical Review E, 91 (1), 013005, (2015).

18. J. M. CABALEIRO, C. LABORDE, G. ARTANA, Interaction between a laminar starting immersed micro-jet and a parallel wall,   

       Physics of Fluids, 27 (1), 013601, (2015).

19.    D. SCIAMARELLA, G: ARTANA, Relaxation to one-dimensional post-glottal flow in a vocal fold model, Speech communication, 66, 176-181, (2015).




University of Buenos Aires


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